
Our license protects our community. We always try to keep our license simple. Here is an overview of what our templates can and cannot be used for.

What is allowed?

All the templates we provide are free to use for all purposes.

 You can edit or modify the templates. Be creative and change them to how you want to look them.

Attribution is not required. Giving credit to any contributor or Template World is not necessary but is always appreciated by our community.

You can distribute the templates with other in anywhere.

 You can use our templates to any physical products and sell them (e.g. printing t-shirt design on a t-shirt).

What is not allowed?

× You cannot sell any provided templates template in any way, even after modifying.

× You also cannot make money by other ways (e.g. sharing our template to YouTube and monetizing the video).

× If you even make changes to any template, you cannot claim ownership or license the template.

× You cannot use our templates for any work that is offensive.

Your freedom will not be revoked as long as you follow the license terms. Thanks.

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